Acharya, L., & Dutta, M. J. (2012). Deconstructing the portrayals of HIV/AIDS among campaign planners targeting tribal populations in Koraput, India: A culture-centered interrogation. Health Communication, 27, 629-640.

Ban, Z., & Dutta, M. J. (2012). Minding their business: Discourses of colonialism and neoliberalism in the commercial guide for US companies in China. Public Relations Inquiry, 1, 197-200.

Dutta, M. J. (2012). Hunger as health: Culture-centered interrogations of alternative rationalities of health. Communication Monographs, 79, 366-384.

Dutta, M. (2012). Critical interrogations of global public relations: Power, culture, and agency. In K. Sriramesh & D. Vercic (Eds.), Cultural theories of public relations (pp. 202-217). Routledge.

Dutta, M. (2012). Health. In O. Patterson (Ed.), Cultural sociology of West, Central, & South Asia. Sage.

Dutta, M. (2012). Poverty. In O. Patterson (Ed.), Cultural sociology of West, Central, & South Asia. Sage.

Dutta, M. (2012). Prostitution. In O. Patterson (Ed.), Cultural sociology of West, Central, & South Asia. Sage.

Dutta, M., & Dutta, D. (2012). Science. In O. Patterson (Ed.), Cultural sociology of West, Central, & South Asia. Sage.

Dutta, M. (2012). AIDS. In O. Patterson (Ed.), Cultural sociology of West, Central, & South Asia. Sage.

Dutta, M. (2012). A culturally centered approach to communication for social change. In S. Melkote (Ed.) Development communication and directed change: A reappraisal of theories and practices.

Dutta, M. J., & Ban, Z. (2012). Minding their business: Discourses of colonialism and neoliberalism in the commercial guides for US companies in China. Public Relations Inquiry, 1, 197-220.

Dutta, M. J., Brockus, S., & Vercler, L. (2012). Television coverage of Operation Iraqi Freedom: The frames that made news. Journal of International Communication, 18, 156-173.

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Koenig, C. J., Dutta, M. J., Kandula, L., & Palaniappan, L. (2012). “All of those things we don’t eat:” A culture-centered approach to dietary health meanings for Asian Indians living in the United States. Health Communication, 27, 818-828.

Pal, M., & Dutta, M. J. (2012). Organizing resistance on the internet: The case of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal. Communication, Culture, Critique, 5, 230-251.

Sastry, S., & Dutta, M. J. (2012). Public health, global surveillance, and the “emerging disease” worldview: A postcolonial appraisal of PEPFAR. Health Communication, 27, 519-532.

Basnyat, I., & Dutta, M. (2012). Reframing Motherhood Through the Culture-Centered Approach: Articulations of Agency Among Young Nepalese Women. Health Communication, 27, 273-283.

Airhihenbuwa, C. O., & Dutta, M. J. (2012). New Perspectives on Global Health Communication. The Handbook of Global Health Communication, 34-51.

Dutta, M., Zhuo, B., &  Pal, M. (2012). Engaging worldviews, cultures, and structures through dialogue: The culture-centered approach to public relations. Prism, 9.

Dutta, M. (2012). Voices of resistance. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press

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